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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Disney (Part 2 of x)

Disney (1 out of x)

At my high school, it is an established tradition that the Senior class goes to Disney World for almost a week during the month of May. I am going to come right out and say this, it was freaking awesome. I had a great time hanging out with all my friends and going on all the rides. Might I add I finally got over my fear of roller coasters and went on as many as I could possibly each and every day. But that is not the real point of this blog, now is it? This blog is meant to "showcase" my photos. During my time in Disney, I took exactly 654 pictures with my camera. When I get a camera in my hands, I tend to just keep snapping photos one after the other. Granted, It did not stay glued to my hands, it would be kind of hard to ride a roller coaster with a camera in your hands. Though I will admit, you would get some very interesting pictures assuming that your camera survived the trip. During Disney, I took all kinds of photos, from portraits (well, candids) to landscapes to really really artsy photos. Now since there are 654 photos, I will not be posting them all here and there will be multiple posts devoted to the pictures. I hope you enjoy my little showcase of Disney pictures and maybe you can link me to some of your vacation photos! Now, on with the show.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jone's gets a new hair style

In a college dorm, boredom can reign supreme. And with the boredom comes some very interesting ideas. Such as taking Ryan Jone's hair (which is quite long) and putting it up in two pigtails and a pony tail. Past that little explanation, I will let the pictures do the talking.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Nostalgia Pt. 2

More Nostalgic photos!

Nostalgia pt. 1

Have you ever gone up into your attic and dusted off your old photo albums and look through them? Doesn't a wave of nostalgia just wash over you when you look through those old photos you took some time ago or haven't looked at in a while? The same thing happened to me, except it wasn't an attic that I got these photos out of, it was my computer at home where they had been sitting for a while. All 4991 of them, yes 4991 photos that I had taken. I take a lot of photos, pretty much everywhere I go I bring my camera with me. Some of the photos that I downloaded from my old computer I had not seen in ages, I am still going through all the photos at this moment. I have photos from the Christmas when I first got the camera, back in December of 2006. Since then, i've taken around 10,000 photos and that is just a rough guesstimate, because I really have no idea to be totally honest. The photos in this post are not meant to show off a particular skill or technique that I have and want to share, they are just a little showcase of the photos I have taken over the past year and a half. Please share any photos that you may have that make you feel nostalgic or that you like.

Now since I have a lot of old photos this is part 1 of X